Our Extended Day Program
What is Lunch Bunch?
An extended day for your child
1 hour beyond our normal program
12:00 to 1:00 ( or 7:30 - 9:00)
Outdoor time, lunch, a story, and an activity ( morning care does not include outside time)
What do I need to do to participate?
Sign up in the office at least a day in advance. Space is limited.
Payment is due the day you sign up to use the program. Cost is $15.00.
Bring a healthy lunch in an insulated lunch bag with an ice pack to keep it cold. Lunch bag needs to be labeled with your child’s name.
Place in Bag a file card with emergency contact information, release information, and allergy information.
What should I bring?
A healthy lunch that your child enjoys eating. We suggest a protein and grain (such as a sandwich, or cheese and crackers, Pasta salad), fruit and or vegetable.
A drink
Note: We can not heat foods in the classroom.
Pick Up Time
Lunch Bunch ends at 1:00. It is important to be on time as the staff leaves promptly after lunch bunch. Thank you for your cooperation.
If you have decided not to use lunch bunch, but have already signed up your child and we have provided staffing to be here for your child, we will have to charge you for the day.
What is Morning Care?
Morning care gives families the opportunity to drop their child off earlier than our 9:00 start time. Children can arrive as early as 7:30 am.
Please sign up at the office in advance so we can have proper staffing available. You can bring breakfast (non-reheatable).
What is Enrichment?
Enrichment is an additional extended day program designed for 4-year-old Pre-K children.
Enrichment classes are offered at various times throughout the school year. Each enrichment has a different theme and is designed to enhance what the children are learning during their regular school day.
A description and a registration form will be sent home for each enrichment period.
If you have any questions about any of the extended day options please speak to the Director or the Office Manager (973-347-1818).